First Family of Skydiving Celebrates 50th Anniversary

Aircraft used at SkyDive Toronto


With thousands of jumps made, national and international titles received, and having established a team of exceptional instructors and champions, Skydive Toronto is the place to be for high altitude adventure, for the love of freefall, and for an experience of a lifetime.  Being the only certified place in Canada to reach heights of 16,000 ft above ground level, the Chow Family continues to take skydiving to the next level. Only Skydive Toronto’s expertise dares to make possible jump lifts in oxygen supplied aircrafts for their new ‘Moon Shot’ thrill package. A pinnacle way to celebrate their 50th anniversary!

Joe Chow
Joe Chow, patriarch of the First Family of skydiving and long-term COPA member. Photo courtesy of SkyDive Toronto.


Joe Chow, a long-time COPA member, comes from modest beginnings.  Born in 1949 in Guangdong Province, China, the Chow family fully immigrated to Cobourg, Ontario in 1955 via a steamship freighter. While fully educated in Cobourg, it wasn’t until studying history at Queens University that Joe discovered skydiving. In 1969, Joe visited a farmer’s field between semesters.  Here Joe watched a small aircraft reach altitude, and he witnessed 4 bodies free falling before seeing them open beautifully coloured parachutes. It was awe inspiring and Joe said aloud for all to hear, but mostly to himself “I want to do that” and the seed was planted for skydive history to be made.

Joe’s studies took a back seat to skydiving from that moment on. After finally graduating, he formed the Queens University Parachute Club, and he founded Ontario’s First Parachute Centre in Ottawa in 1972. In 1974, Joe married Clare Coriveau, another leading parachutist and the two became partners in business. In 1975, daughter Jennifer was born who soon followed in the family's footsteps.

All 3 of the Chows soon became recognized as national skydiving champions and Clare and Joe have had the honour of being in 6 Canadian parachute teams representing Canada in Japan, Dubai, Montenegro, France, Hungary and Croatia. Jennifer added to the Chow legacy, winning titles and became well known in leadership roles in formation skydiving in 2011. Today, Jennifer is Skydive Toronto’s General Manager.

At the age of 75, Joe and Family show no signs of stopping or slowing down.  Despite not seeing Joe piloting a parachute as often as he used to, you will see him piloting the planes.  'Non-stop Joe' obtained his Commercial Pilots License in 2021! 

Today, Joe continues to keep his mind sharp and enjoys the horizons on every flight full of skydivers that he lifts.  He is testament that one can continue to do what one loves to do at any age so long as you ‘dare to try and work hard to prepare for what is needed to achieve: to reach and attain your own Moon Shot!’

Join Joe and Family at Skydive Toronto’s 50th Anniversary celebrations. To learn more, visit , call 1-800-668-5867, or just make a day of it at the drop zone.

Skydiver in action
Photos courtesy of SkyDive Toronto


Posing in front of SkyDive Toronto