Dreaming of Learning to Fly? “Discover General Aviation” for Adults


Submitted by COPA Flight 108 (The Northwest Territories Flying Association)

Dreaming of learning to fly?  The Northwest Territories Flying Association (COPA Flight 108) bets that adults in your region are interested in becoming pilots but could use some help in plotting their path forward.  NWTFA recently produced an original "Discover General Aviation" seminar to familiarize aspiring pilots with the training and processes involved in becoming a recreational or private pilot and acquiring and owning a private aircraft.  We now wish to share our vision and experience with other COPA flights.

Over the past 20 years, NWTFA has hosted numerous COPA for Kids events, now organized by COPA Flights as Discover Aviation events, introducing youth 8 and above to the thrill of aviation.  At every event, parents and other adults would ask questions about flight training and express their desire to learn to fly, wishing that they too could experience a COPA for Kids flight.  NWTFA realized that a similar event geared to adults could bear short-term results in growing general aviation in our region.

COPA’s recent transformation of COPA for Kids into Discover Aviation provided the impetus for our development of an adult program. NWTFA’s “Discover General Aviation” event consists of a half-day seminar using our original PowerPoint presentation to introduce participants to topics including pilot training and licensing, purchasing private aircraft, and aircraft ownership. Each topic is delivered by an NWTFA member with in-depth knowledge of their subject-matter. Our speakers include local pilots and aircraft owners, a student pilot, a retired lawyer with experience in aviation law, and a representative from the local chapter of CASARA. Ample time is reserved for questions to foster interactive discussion between participants and speakers.

After the event, participants enjoy an introductory flight with an NWTFA pilot under the banner of the COPA Discover Aviation program. They receive complimentary membership in NWTFA and are given a USB stick containing a copy of our PowerPoint presentation plus extensive resource materials. COPA Guides published on relevant topics are included to provide comprehensive information on the topics covered in the seminar. To jumpstart their pilot training, participants are also offered 12 months of free online ground school and a 90-day free trial of a flight simulator for mobile devices, courtesy of COPA and the Discover Aviation program.

NWTFA hosted the first session of our “Discover General Aviation” seminar on June 8, 2024 with nine aspiring pilots as participants. They were a diverse group of adults ready and excited to pursue their dream of learning to fly. Our speakers delivered the PowerPoint presentation in an informative and engaging manner and fielded numerous questions from the participants.  Feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive and appreciative.

After the seminar, each participant was matched with an NWTFA pilot who coordinated their introductory flight.  The 20-minute local flights were conducted on floats or tundra tires in aircraft including a Cessna 172, Cessna 206, Husky and Turbo Beaver. Participants emerged from their flights energized and enthusiastic about exploring options for flight training.

NWTFA believes that its “Discover General Aviation” program, by combining a seminar presented by its members with COPA Discover Aviation flights, offers a unique opportunity for COPA flights to equip aspiring pilots with the information needed to start their journey into the wonderful world of general aviation.  Any COPA flight interested in learning more about our program, or acquiring a copy of the PowerPoint presentation to adapt for their own use, is invited to reach out to us at flyingnwt@gmail.com.